Why True Success?

True Success Gives You a New Way to Live

Many training programs offer information, inspiration, and "best practices" to improve your work environment or your life. But how many times have you tried a new program only to slip back into old habits? In True Success, we do things differently: We offer a new vision of success that includes you. We give you the building blocks to create success – every time, in every circumstance. We address the root problem of why people slip back into old habits, uncovering the beliefs that keep us stuck in unhelpful patterns such as..

Why can't I get along with my co-worker?

Why do I overeat?

Why am I afraid of intimacy?

Why can’t I stop drinking?

The answer lies in our conditioning. All of our behaviors, feelings and actions rise out of a personal script – a narrative that runs our life.

Change the Story of You

We all have stories that shape us. The narratives we carry in our head dictate what’s possible and not possible for us.

When you believe the painful stories of your past, you play right into the conditions that sabotage your success. Imagine for a moment, two kids striking out at a baseball game. One boy says to himself, “Darn it! I need to practice harder!” The other says, “I stink at baseball! I never should have tried out for the team! I hate this stupid game!” Which one do you think will go on to become a better ballplayer?

The meanings and scripts we carry determine what happens next. And we've been carrying these scripts for years, even decades! If you want to change an unsuccessful habit, you need to get to the root narrative of your problem and release it. True Success shows you how to uncover the limiting beliefs that are holding you back, and how to release them, opening the door to new possibilities!

“A person is three things: what he thinks he is, what others think he is, and what he really is.”

- Anonymous

Meet Your True Nature

You may describe yourself as a parent, a student, a CEO, a salesman or a teacher. But who are you - really? Take a moment to check in with yourself… Do your roles describe all of you? Checking in, you may notice there’s something more… something bigger than your story, your roles, or the definitions people ascribe to you.

In True Success, we open the door to a bigger part of you. When you anchor into your expansive sense of self – your True Nature – you reclaim your strength, your joy, your courage, and your passions, remembering who you truly are. When you are connected to your True Nature, it’s easy to be successful – you’re nourished and sustained from something deeper within – experiencing lots of joy, confidence and well-being.

When we're out of touch with our True Nature, it’s easy to believe our fears. When we don't feel centered, we can get caught up chasing goals and accolades, hoping to find happiness, or proof that we're “good enough.” We may strive for wealth, or do things to seek others’ approval, yet it’s never enough, and it’s exhausting. The hamster wheel of achievement never stops, and we find that we never “arrive” anywhere. Instead, we often feel very far way from true success.

Already Successful in Some Things?

Be Successful Across Your Life!

Most of us believe that if we are successful in one or two areas of life, we’ll have it made. But actually, this is not true. Many people work hard for success, only to be undone by their own behavior or a lack of competence in some other area of life. For example, you might be very successful at work, but struggle in your homelife, or with intimacy.

True Success helps you improve all areas of your life, by attending to The Seven Domains. The Seven Domains are seven core "building blocks" that make up every human being: psychological - physical - cognitive - emotional - social/relational - spiritual - integrative.

The Seven Domains work together much like a team; when they are healthy and in sync, they create a healthy, happy successful human being. But if you’re like most people, you may find that your domains feel a bit uneven. For instance, you may be gifted in a couple of domains... "okay" in a few... and struggle in other domains. You might be cognitively brilliant, but emotionally volatile. Or you're spiritually passionate, but socially shy. Maybe you're physically and socially gifted, but you struggle cognitively. In an attempt to feel successful in your life, you may focus on the domains you’re good at, while avoiding the ones that are more difficult. If this is your pattern, it can lead to difficulty and sometimes, even failure.

Personal and Social Agency:
The Key to a Truly Successful Life.

If we take a close look at our struggling domains, we find that they are hindered by old painful events and limiting beliefs. Like the baseball player who struck out and gave up, we tend to avoid the areas of life that make us feel inadequate or ashamed. What happens when you let go of your limiting beliefs, expand your awareness into True Nature and build fresh, new skills? You attain Personal and Social Agency (PSA). Personal and Social Agency is the key to successful living – knowing how to meet each moment of life with an effective, sophisticated response. You can't control the conditions in life, but you can learn how to give a competent response in every moment. Your response determines your level of success.

Being personally competent means you can be counted on to respond in helpful, effective, rational ways – in your health, your home life, your work, and in your personal expression. You know how to lean into your strengths and you're equipped to develop any areas of weakness. In other words, you’re accountable for your development and your actions.

When you’re socially competent, the same is true: You interact with others in ways that are helpful, effective and sound. You know your strengths and weaknesses when it comes to relationships, and you’re accountable - you work on yourself so you can “show up” in your relationships. With social competence, you can work effectively with any social group or team.

When You’re Personally and Socially Competent, You Can Be Successful Anywhere!

The Tools of True Success

To create lasting success, you need to be able to meet life and any challenging conditions with wisdom, maturity and grace. You’ll do this by:

  • Having a clear vision of what True Success really means
  • Knowing the Eight Determinants of Success
  • Practicing mindfulness, releasing tension and opening to your True Nature
  • Bringing Loving-Kindness to stressful moments and knowing how to learn from others’ points of view
  • Developing Personal and Social Agency (PSA) - addressing your weaknesses and building your skills
  • Listening to your inner compass, so you can live an authentic, meaningful life!

A Truly Successful Life

True Success is a way of being. As you release the blocks that hold you back, your True Nature emerges: You feel centered, strong, confident and capable. You experience a freshness, a joy and a loving aliveness that’s ready to create a meaningful, fulfilling life - one filled with your passions, dreams and aspirations. Bring more success to your relationships, your work, your community and the world! Start living the life you were meant to live!